Canada's Leadership at the Global Refugee Forum: Strengthening Pledges and Partnerships

In a world where over 114 million people have been forcibly displaced, Canada continues to demonstrate its leadership in addressing the global refugee crisis. The Honourable Marc Miller, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, represented Canada at the Global Refugee Forum in Geneva, underscoring the nation's commitment to offering protection to the most vulnerable populations and supporting host countries.

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Canada's Role in the Global Refugee Crisis

Forcibly Displaced Populations

Globally, more than 114 million people have been displaced, with a third being refugees. Canada recognizes its responsibility to take action in response to this vast humanitarian need.

Global Refugee Forum Participation

Minister Miller led Canada’s delegation, presenting and endorsing several pledges that advance solutions to the global refugee crisis.

Key Announcements and Pledges:

Support for Afghan Refugees

Building on Canada’s recent achievement of welcoming over 40,000 vulnerable Afghans, Minister Miller announced a $21 million contribution to the International Organization for Migration (IOM). This funding aims to support Afghan populations in Central Asia and Pakistan fleeing Afghanistan, helping these neighbouring countries better respond to their needs.

Resettlement Goals

Canada plans to resettle over 136,000 refugees in the next three years, focusing on the world’s most vulnerable, including women in precarious situations, ethnic and religious minorities, LGBTQI+ communities, Rohingya refugees, and human rights defenders.

Economic Mobility Pathways Pilot

This refugee labour mobility pathway will become a permanent economic immigration program, offering refugees skills-based pathways for resettlement.

Education Pathway Exploration

Canada is exploring an education pathway for eligible refugee and displaced students to study in Canada, championing the growth of complementary pathways worldwide.

Securing Sustainable Futures Mega-Pledge

Co-sponsored by Canada, this pledge aims to ensure all refugee children receive quality education, including access to national education systems.

Addressing Climate Change and Migration

Recognizing the impact of climate change on migration, Canada announced funding for the IOM to support Mexico in addressing migration, disasters, climate change, and environmental degradation. This includes developing a methodology to collect data on these issues to inform policy actions.

Canada's Humanitarian Assistance

Canada’s pledges reflect its focus on both immediate humanitarian assistance and longer-term development aid. This includes addressing needs in ongoing crises and supporting displaced people and host communities in regions like Venezuela, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.

In 2022, Canada resettled over 46,500 refugees from 80 countries, maintaining its position as the top receiving country for refugees for the fourth consecutive year.

Integration and Support for Refugees in Canada:

The Canadian government, along with partners, provides pre-arrival and post-arrival support to refugees, including a $14 million funding to the IOM for the Canadian Orientation Abroad Program.

Refugees arriving in Canada are welcomed as permanent residents and receive necessary support, including financial and settlement assistance for one year.

Minister Marc Miller’s Statement

Emphasizing Canada's role, Minister Miller stated, “With over 114 million people displaced globally, we have a responsibility to step up and take action to address the global migration crisis. Canada will continue to do our part by making meaningful, life-saving pledges that give more opportunity and hope to refugees and displaced people around the world.”

Tsering Thonsur’s Perspective

Tsering Thonsur, a Tibetan stateless refugee and advisor to the Canadian delegation, highlighted the importance of Canada's leadership in supporting refugees' participation in global decision-making processes.

Looking Ahead

Canada's participation in the Global Refugee Forum is a testament to its commitment to finding better solutions for refugees and assisting communities and countries that host them. The pledges and partnerships formed at the Forum are crucial steps in Canada’s ongoing leadership in global humanitarian efforts.